"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."
–– The Book of Acts 2:42

Get to Know Us

Who We Are


Our Belief


Our Mission


Our Worship


Worship is a covenantal meeting of the Lord God with His people. It is not for man's entertainment, but for the glory of God. Since He is our covenantal Lord, we worship Him with reverence and awe (Heb. 12:28).


From Call to Worship to Benediction, Christ, the Lord of the covenant, serves His people with His Word and Sacraments, working out His salvation in our lives. The Reformers called worship service "Gottesdienst", that is the Holy One Himself comes to serve us.


We are not inventors, but recipients. Our worship services are rooted in history, carrying on the worship traditions of the ancient church and the Reformation. We sing Psalms, and hymns that have been passed down through the centuries.


Lord's Day Schedule

9:00-9:45 主日学(英文成人及儿童K-12)
10:00-11:45 圣道与圣礼敬拜
12:00-1:00 教理学习敬拜
1:00-2:00 午餐

Contact Info

Email: info@ccreformed.org
电话:(424) 666 -8460‪ (语音留言)


900 South Sunkist Street, Anaheim, CA 92806

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